


Storage is like a private safe and only can be seen the storage owner ( You can get the storage number by submitting Booking Storage request), Storage is located in main warehouse and will be updated when parcel arrives by Team

Why Storage is needed ? The reasons for providing the storage number are as follows.
Many parcels are received from the sellers/shops, but sometimes the tracking numbers and name are unclear due to the condition or contamination of the parcels, and in most cases, the recipient's name is not accurately due to the displayed by personal protection policies.

If you write storage number, You do not need to check local delivery information about your parcel such as local tracking and name etc., your parcel will be stored in your storage and whenever each package arrives, you can check the contents of the package through pictures, and you can also check the weight and cost. Your given storage number should be marked with detail address.

Send request form for your own storage number in fashion-korea warehouse, we will send you your storage number through your email and arrange your storage under your storage number and ready for collection and keeping your order(s)

Find the way How to get the Storage number here